As you may know, few things are more damaging to a person’s reputation and future than being convicted of a felony. If you’re facing felony criminal charges, you must continue reading and contact a dedicated Oklahoma City felony defense lawyer from our firm to learn more about how we can help fight your charges at every turn.
Facing felony charges of any kind is a frightening prospect, but with an aggressive OKC criminal defense lawyer, you can have peace of mind, knowing your attorney is fighting for you at every turn. Felony charges can have a lasting, even permanent impact on a person’s life once they’re convicted, which is why you absolutely need an attorney in your corner.
Various crimes are classified as felonies, as opposed to misdemeanors, here in the state of Oklahoma. Just some of the most common felony charges that we’ve seen over the years are as follows:
If you’re accused of any of the aforementioned, you should understand that your future is at stake. You can’t afford to proceed without a seasoned Oklahoma City felony defense lawyer in your corner. Fortunately, you are in the right place.
The first thing you should understand is that the state of Oklahoma is second only to Texas in most capital punishments in the United States. Plain and simple, Oklahoma carries out the death penalty more than the 49 other states in this country. For this reason alone, it is paramount that you hire a seasoned felony defense lawyer who can fight, sometimes literally, for your life.
Other penalties a person can face for a felony conviction can include high fines, decades of incarceration, and more. Further, all those found guilty of felony crimes will develop a criminal record, which can prevent them from getting a job, securing loans, or even renting a place to live.
Though accepting a plea deal is never ideal, in some cases, it is simply the most viable option. Two common felony sentencing alternatives to jail or prison are deferred sentencing or drug/mental health court. In deferred sentencing, first-time felony offenders may get a chance to abide by certain terms for a given period of time, and as long as they do so, they may avoid conviction for a crime and have all records pertaining to their case expunged. In drug/mental health court, an individual may be allowed to receive court-ordered drug or mental health treatment in lieu of jail time.
The bottom line is that no matter the circumstances of your case, if you need a dedicated attorney in your corner, the Jones Firm, PLLC is here to help. Contact our firm today so we can get started crafting a strong defense on your behalf.
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