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Oklahoma City Criminal Defense Lawyer

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If you’ve been charged with a serious crime, you need the help of a serious Oklahoma City criminal defense lawyer from The Jones Firm, PLLC. Ron Jones, A.K.A “The Brilliant Brawler,” is here to fight for you. Don’t rely on just any attorney when your life is at stake. You need a lawyer with the brains, guts, and grit to do what it takes to get the best possible results for your case.

Ron became The Brilliant Brawler through education at one of America’s top law schools, training in the rough & tumble courtrooms of Chicago, and victories both there and here in Oklahoma. Ron doesn’t back down. He doesn’t shy away from a fight. The Jones Firm, PLLC is committed to achieving winning results. It’s time to get the legal representation you deserve. It’s time for the Brilliant Brawler.

Our Practice Areas

Ronald Jones on staircase
A felony conviction can ruin your life. Not only do some convictions lead to significant jail time, but they also burden those convicted with the effects of a criminal record, including the possibility of losing one’s license, seeing a dramatic increase in insurance premiums, and losing the ability to rent a home, take out a loan, or even get a job. Fortunately, if you’ve been charged with a crime, you are in the right place. The Brilliant Brawler is here to help.

The Brilliance
The Brilliance
Ron’s brilliance took him from Hugo, OK public schools through the University of Chicago Law School. Now that brilliance can obtain unparalleled results on your criminal case.
The Brawl
The Brawl
A proven track record of not-guilty verdicts, dismissals, and outstanding plea offers.
The Best
The Best
With your life in jeopardy, you deserve brilliance, you deserve brawl, you deserve the best. Hire Ron Jones, “The Brilliant Brawler.”

Ronald Jones portrait

Ron Jones

“Being arrested for a crime is not the end of the road. I became an attorney to advocate for people against the most powerful entity in our society–the government. That advocacy takes time, effort, and understanding of the client, the case, and the opponent. So I don’t represent people on misdemeanors, only felonies in both state & federal courts. Time is valuable, time is what they’re trying to take from you, and time is what we’ll spend ensuring you receive the best possible defense.”

Learn More About Ron

If You Are Located
in Oklahoma
We Can Help

The Jones Firm, PLLC is headquartered in Oklahoma City but works with clients in every corner of the Sooner State. We are different from other law firms because we only handle the most serious offenses, including felonies and federal crimes. Just because a lawyer is a criminal defense attorney doesn’t mean that they have the experience needed to succeed in charges that lead to significant jail time. Most criminal defense attorneys also handle low-level crimes. Why pick a lawyer who lacks trial experience and doesn’t have time to work on your case when you can work with The Brilliant Brawler?

Work with The Brilliant Brawler

“Not Guilty” Never Gets Old

Ronald Jones in a courtroom

The Jones Firm, PLLC regularly obtains dismissals, acquittals, and reductions in plea offers for our clients. While every criminal case is different, they all require the careful attention and skill of an experienced Oklahoma City criminal defense attorney like Ron Jones, The Brilliant Brawler. The Jones Firm, PLLC has years of practical experience in the courtroom, and the tools needed to explore all legal avenues that will provide you with the best defense. Ron is dedicated to providing you with the same effective criminal defense strategies that have helped so many others in the past. That’s The Brilliant Brawler’s guarantee.

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black gavel How Do Criminal Trials Work?
Criminal trials are complex matters that can influence the rest of your life. Read on to learn everything you must know about these events.
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