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Oklahoma City Sex Crimes Lawyer

Being charged and convicted of a sex crime has devastating consequences on a person’s reputation and life. If you are charged with any sex crimes, the most crucial step you can take is to contact a dedicated Oklahoma City sex crimes lawyer who can vigorously defend your case. The Brilliant Brawler, attorney Ron Jones is ready to help. Reach out to us today, and let’s start working on your defense.

Sex Crimes Lawyer | Here to Protect Your Reputation & Future

Being convicted of a sex crime can have long-lasting and detrimental impacts on a person’s life. Our OKC criminal defense lawyer believes that everyone is entitled to legal counsel and seeks to help those wrongfully accused of these crimes out of jail. Our aggressive legal team has the knowledge and skill required to effectively defend our clients, and if you’re facing sex crime charges, we are here to defend you as well.

Examples of Sex Crimes & Their Penalties

There is a wide range of sex crimes an individual may be charged with, and they all can fall under the blanket term of “sexual assault”. That said, the primary types of crimes that classify as sexual assault are rape, rape by instrument, and forcible sodomy. It is important to note that rape can occur between any two parties, even spouses. The penalties for rape in Oklahoma are as follows:

  • Second-degree rape: This crime can warrant anywhere between one and 15 years of incarceration.
  • First-degree rape: This charge can warrant anywhere between five years of incarceration to life in prison (or the death penalty.

You should also note that the age of consent in the state of Oklahoma is 16, which means that anyone who is over the age of 16 is legally mature enough to consent to sexual intercourse, while anyone under the age of 16 is not. Therefore, if someone over the age of 18 has sexual intercourse with anyone under the age of 16, they can, theoretically, be charged with rape.

Most people convicted of sex crimes will have to join the sex offender registry, which means that the general public, as well as prospective employers, will have knowledge of the crime of which you were convicted.

Defenses Against Sex Crime Charges

Of course, with every case, the defense your lawyer uses will depend largely on the circumstances of your charges. However, some of the most commonly-used defenses against sex crime charges are as follows:

  • Insufficient evidence
  • Objective innocence
  • Proof of a lie or fabrication
  • Proving mistaken identity
  • Proof of consent (one of the strongest defenses)
  • Filing a suppression motion

Contact a Sex Crimes Lawyer Today

The bottom line is that a sex crime charge of any kind must be taken seriously. If you’re facing these charges, you need to speak with a lawyer at once. The sooner you contact the Jones Firm, PLLC, the sooner we can start building a strong defense on your behalf. Give us a call today or contact us online so we can get working on your case.

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