Recently, Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond put together a task force to combat illegal marijuana operations in the state. Not only does this bring in additional law enforcement agencies to combat these issues, but there are now tiplines set up for those to report suspicious activity. If you are impacted by this new task force, it’s imperative to contact an Oklahoma City drug trafficking lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your legal options when facing criminal charges.

What Is the Illegal Marijuana Task Force?

The illegal marijuana task force is a collective effort by multiple law enforcement agencies to crack down on illegal grow operations in Oklahoma. Agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) are working with law enforcement in Oklahoma to combat these issues.

Attorney General Drummond has stated that these illegal marijuana operations are also believed to be related to an increase in fentanyl and human trafficking in the state. Additionally, Drummond has estimated that approximately half of the operations in the state are believed to be illegal, because of the inexpensive land and relaxed enforcement policies.

Though Oklahoma has legalized medicinal marijuana, recreational use is still illegal in the state.

Aside from assembling a task force, Attorney General Drummond has also created a tipline. This allows those in the state to send anonymous tips about illegal operations they may encounter.

What Are the Penalties for Growing and Trafficking Marijuana in Oklahoma?

If you are discovered to be participating in the growth or trafficking of marijuana in Oklahoma, you can face severe penalties for your involvement. This isn’t a simple misdemeanor for possession – you will face felony charges.

If it’s discovered that you are trafficking any amount of marijuana, you will face a felony charge. Anything under 25 pounds warrants a minimum of two years, while anything over is four years to life imprisonment with a fine of up to $100,000. If you sell anything over 1,000 pounds, you face four years to life, and a fine of up to $500,000.

Similarly, cultivating any amount of marijuana in Oklahoma is a felony charge. Growing less than 1,000 plants warrants 20 years to life in prison with a $25,000 fine, while any operation with more than 1,000 plants warrants the same prison time, but the fine increases to $50,000.

It’s imperative to note that if these charges are combined with any other illegal activity, such as human trafficking, you can face additional charges.

When you are facing charges for your involvement in an illegal marijuana operation, it’s in your best interest to enlist the assistance of an experienced attorney from the Jones Firm, PLLC to assist you. These are serious charges that can impact the rest of your life. As such, our team is committed to examining the details of your case to fight for the best possible outcome. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you through these challenging times.