Oklahoma is one of many states that strongly believes in the right to bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution. However, despite the fact that gun laws in the Sooner State may be more relaxed than others, it’s imperative to understand that you can still face federal offenses if you are not careful. One such offense is firearms trafficking. If you’re a gun owner and unsure what warrants this offense, or you’ve been charged and want to learn more about the penalties you can face, you’ll want to keep reading. The following blog also explores the importance of working with an Oklahoma City federal crime lawyer when you find yourself in legal trouble

What Is Firearms Trafficking?

Under federal laws, firearms trafficking can be used to describe several different activities involving the movement and sale of weapons.

For example, you’ll find that if you attempt to obtain or sell a firearm to someone knowing they will use or have used the weapon to commit a felony, this can warrant a trafficking offense. Generally, any time weapons are purchased, sold, or transferred in relation to a felony, it can constitute a federal offense.

Additionally, though you may have a valid license to carry in Oklahoma, not all states honor and recognize these licenses. If you travel from Oklahoma to New Jersey, for example, with your weapon, you can face charges, as carrying weapons to a different state, even with a valid license, is prohibited. Intentionally moving a firearm across state lines from a state with more lax gun laws to a state with stricter laws can warrant a trafficking offense, even with a valid license.

What Are the Penalties I Can Face for This Offense?

It’s imperative to understand that although Oklahoma has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the country, firearms offenses can warrant federal charges. Even legitimate and legal firearms dealers can face federal charges if they do not take the necessary measures to ensure that weapons do not fall into the hands of criminals.

If charged with a federal firearms offense, the penalties you can face are severe. This carries up to 15 years in a federal prison in conjunction with a fine imposed by the court based on the circumstances of your case. In the event the weapon is altered to be more destructive or has the serial number removed, it can warrant up to 20 years behind bars.

The penalties you can face for a federal offense are severe. While the laws in Oklahoma are more relaxed, this is not the case for all states. Working with an experienced federal defense attorney is critical if facing charges. At the Jones Firm, PLLC, our dedicated firm understands how overwhelming these matters can be, so we are ready to fight for you. Contact us today to learn more.