Getting a job can be challenging enough due to the limited opportunities and fierce competition. However, when you factor in a felony conviction, your chances of receiving an interview after applying decrease dramatically. Unfortunately, you’ll find that a criminal record can severely impact your career opportunities for the rest of your life. As such, it’s essential to enlist the assistance of an Oklahoma City felony defense lawyer to help you navigate these charges. Keep reading to learn more about these circumstances.
How Will a Felony Conviction Affect My Career?
There are several areas of your career that a felony conviction can impact. For example, you may find that your employer will terminate your position effective immediately upon conviction of a crime, especially something as serious as a felony.
If you lose your job, you may discover you cannot gain the knowledge necessary to pursue other industries because you may not be able to attend college. When you apply, you must disclose your status as a convicted felon. Even if you are accepted, you will likely be ineligible for federal student loans, making it challenging to afford an education.
Also, it’s likely that you will be unable to work in specific industries because of your conviction. For example, you may find that you cannot teach, work in unions, or find employment as a trucker based on the crime you’ve committed. Similarly, some businesses do not want the insurance increase associated with hiring a convicted felon. Other industries that require a license may be revoked or suspended, leaving you ineligible to work in fields as an electrician, architect, or nurse.
What Should I Do if I’m Facing Felony Charges in Oklahoma?
Unfortunately, you may find that getting a job is exceptionally challenging when you are a convicted felon. As such, you may be unable to afford housing, groceries, and other basic necessities.
When you are facing a felony charge, it is imperative you contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Because you will not have many options if charged with a felony, beating or reducing the charges are the best chance. In the best-case scenario, your attorney will be able to get the charges dropped or prove you are not guilty during a court battle. If this is not possible, a plea deal may be beneficial as it can reduce the severity of the charges. Though a misdemeanor charge will still appear on your criminal record, it is less severe than a felony. Thus, employers are more forgiving of these charges.
However, it’s highly unlikely you will be able to do this without the assistance of an experienced attorney to fight for you. At the Jones Firm, PLLC, our dedicated team will examine every aspect of your case to provide the best possible outcome for your circumstances. Contact us today to learn more about how we will fight for you.